This reflects our labour rates and payment terms as of 1st September 2024.

If you have further questions on our rates, please feel free to get in touch.

Basic Rates

  • Rounding per invoice is up to the nearest 30 minutes in all instances.
  • Costs in this table are per billable hour, per engineer.
  • Costs in this table include VAT at 20%.
Slide the table along for more info.

Terms Type Location Cost Minimum Time Per Event
Standard Support Offsite £55 30 minutes
Standard Support Onsite £65 1 hour
Monthly Pre Paid Support Offsite £45 6 minutes
Monthly Top-up Support Offsite £50 6 minutes
Monthly Top-up Support Onsite £60 1 hour
Standard Bookkeeping Offsite £25 6 minutes
Standard Bookkeeping Onsite £35 2 hours
Monthly Top-up Bookkeeping Offsite £20 6 minutes
Monthly Top-up Bookkeeping Onsite £30 2 hours

Discounts and Surcharges

Out of Hours

Outside our core hours of 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays), we can’t guarantee any availability but will try to deal with urgent queries.

  • All labour for out of hours requests will include a 50% surcharge
  • Minimum billable event time for labour will increase by 1 hour
Prepay & Monthly Billing Customers

By committing to at least one prepaid hour per month, you can save money on all subsequent labour.
Prepaid hours are the cheapest way to pay for offsite labour, however the following guidelines apply

  • There is a minimum 3 month commitment on prepaid hours, before the number of prepaid hours can be reduced.
  • Prepaid hours do not roll over.
  • Prepaid hours are only available to customers paying by Direct Debit.
  • Due Dates: Invoices are due before any hardware is ordered, or by the invoice due date which is two weeks from invoice date unless agreed in advance.
  • Late payment surcharge: A surcharge of 10% will be added to the total of each invoice created, while the customer has an overdue balance for which arranged payments are not being made.

The following concessions will receive a 10% discount on labour, on proof of current applicable status.
Only the registered charity discount is applicable to business customers.

  • Student
  • Pension recipient
  • Universal Credit recipient
  • Public Sector Employee
  • Registered Charity
Delivery, Collection and Travel
  • Local onsite labour will not incur additional fees.
  • Local collection and delivery is available for £5 each way.
  • Outside Brighton & Hove, mileage is chargeable at 60p inc. VAT per mile, plus Onsite labour rates for the duration of the journey.
New Customer Referrals
  • Introduce a new customer to us, and you’ll each receive a Credit Note on your account for £10 including VAT.